What we Believe:

We believe that God desperately wants to restore a relationship with us, his creation, which was broken by our sin. We believe that in Jesus Christ, by his death and resurrection, that relationship has been restored. We have actually been adopted into God’s family through faith in Jesus, a gift from the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit also comforts us and connects us to the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We confess the Apostles' Creed to be a faithful summary of who God is.  

We are a sacramental church and acknowledge that God’s love, grace, and strength come to us in tangible ways through Communion and Baptism. We walk in fellowship with the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) and confess their doctrinal understanding to be faithful to Scripture.  We believe that Jesus is the only hope for the world and that He not only hears our prayers but answers them. 

Who We Are:

We are a community of people who continue to struggle with sin, mistakes, and missing the mark. We are learning to rely on the grace of Jesus and the freedom found there to follow Him in our daily lives. We are striving to love each other and our neighbors more like Jesus every day. We are a group of all ages trying to do life together as we go into the world and serve.

What We Do:


    We gather together regularly to praise God and receive from Him His good gifts of Word and Sacrament.  


    We continue to learn from Him and the Bible more about who He is, who we are and what our unique gifts and calling is.  

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    We are discovering and learning how God is calling us to use those gifts as we go into the world to serve others.